About Us
- To monitor and ensure the highest quality of medical education and continuing professional development provided to health practitioners, to raise the level of functionality and ability to solve problems in a scientific and professional manners.
- Department of Continuing Medical Education (CME):
Responsible for monitoring and follow-up of activities concerned with medical health practitioners in government and private sectors. - Department of Continuing Professional Development (CPD):
Responsible for monitoring and follow-up of scientific and administrative activities, which do not include pure medical content in government and private sectors.
Terms of Reference and Functions
- Ensuring commitment of health practitioners to pursue continuing medical education and professional development programs .
- Supervision of medical developments.
- Organizing conferences and seminars in coordination with other departments in KIMS.
- Developing research capacity at health practitioners.
- Ensuring highest quality of continuing medical education and continuing professional activities.
- Working as a liaison between the KIMS faculties and its graduates to enhance their of scientific achievements.
Logistic Responsibilities
- Registration of health practitioners in the maintenance of professional competency programs in Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization.
- Review and evaluate the activities of relevant scientific activities and calculate their CME credit points.
- To issue a certificate of scientific points of health practitioners needed for official government dealings.
Dr. Fahad Al-Ghimlas
- Director
- falghimlas@kims.org.kw
Dr. Fahad Al-Eisa
- Head of department
- faleisa@kims.org.kw
Mrs. Theresa Franco
- tfranco@kims.org.kw
Ms. Hanan Al Azmi
- halazmi@kims.org.kw