About Us

  • To monitor and ensure the highest quality of medical education and continuing professional development provided to health practitioners, to raise the level of functionality and ability to solve problems in a scientific and professional manners.
  1. Department of Continuing Medical Education (CME):
    Responsible for monitoring and follow-up of activities concerned with medical health practitioners in government and private sectors.
  2. Department of Continuing Professional Development (CPD):
    Responsible for monitoring and follow-up of scientific and administrative activities, which do not include pure medical content in government and private sectors.
Terms of Reference and Functions
  1. Ensuring commitment of health practitioners to pursue continuing medical education and professional development programs .
  2. Supervision of medical developments.
  3. Organizing conferences and seminars in coordination with other departments in KIMS.
  4. Developing research capacity at health practitioners.
  5. Ensuring highest quality of continuing medical education and continuing professional activities.
  6. Working as a liaison between the KIMS faculties and its graduates to enhance their of scientific achievements.
Logistic Responsibilities
  1. Registration of health practitioners in the maintenance of professional competency programs in Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization.
  2. Review and evaluate the activities of relevant scientific activities and calculate their CME credit points.
  3. To issue a certificate of scientific points of health practitioners needed for official government dealings.


Dr. Fahad Al-Ghimlas

  • Director
  • falghimlas@kims.org.kw

Dr. Fahad Al-Eisa

  • Head of department
  • faleisa@kims.org.kw

Mrs. Theresa Franco

  • tfranco@kims.org.kw

Ms. Hanan Al Azmi

  • halazmi@kims.org.kw