Improving Emergency Department Operations Programme

Speciality Other Medical specialty - Quality management

Organizer Hossam Eldeen Mohammed Elamir Hafez

CME/CPD Provider Quality and Accreditation Directorate

Scheduled date(s):

From 15 June 2019 To 15 June 2019

From 23 March 2019 To 23 March 2019

From 19 January 2019 To 19 January 2019

Aims And Objectives

This program will provide health care professionals with the opportunity to learn how to optimize Emergency Department (ED) patient flow, operations, and service. Practical applications will demonstrate why an efficient ED is so critical to the safety and satisfaction of patients, their families, and hospital staff. The lecturer will present examples and provide actionable strategies and tactics. The unique methods introduced during this program include the use of data to assess and improve operational performance, understanding and improving critical demand/capacity issues, and innovative approaches to front-end and back-end operations. The methods will allow for customization of operational and staffing configurations based on the patient volume and patient mix. After this program, participants will be able to: 1. Articulate the case for improving patient flow in the ED 2. Gain exposure to improvement methodologies 3. Realize the importance of data and analytics in driving ED improvement 4. Understand the technical inputs that ultimately define ED flow 5. Observe the effects of system variation on patient flow 6. Understand the immutable physics that govern flow and the practical countermeasures for making flow happen 7. Understand the connection between prevailing ED best practices and the underlying physics 8. Understand the relative impacts of certain decisions on the overall flow 9. Gain practice in identifying symptoms of hindered flow and targeting root causes 10. Describe strategies used to decrease inpatient boarding and create ownership of patients. 11. Consider best practices identified to reduce inpatient boarding. 12. Identify ideas that could be tried in any emergency department 13. Describe the elements of successful observation strategies 14. Describe strategies physicians, nurses and administrators can effectively implement to improve outcomes 15. Identify barriers and solutions to increase collaboration across the disciplines that impact throughout 16. Share some thoughts on disciplines that can assist in execution 17. Use the portfolio of disciplines to make improvements in ED 18. Identify at least three new tests of change to bring back to ED 19. Identify key challenges and barriers to efficient patient flow, operations, and service and learn key improvement strategies, tactics, and methods 20. Describe the strategic importance and role of leadership in patient flow within the ED, from a patient safety and satisfaction standpoint, as well as from a business standpoint 21. Develop a short-term and long-range plan for improving flow, including a sequence for executing key ideas to improve flow in your institution

Content Outline

1. Patient Flow 2. Emergency Department Overcrowding (EDOC) and Increased ED length of stay (EDLOS) 3. Capacity and Demand 4. Lean Principles 5. Theory of Constraints and Queuing 6. Process Improvement 7. Quality Improvement Tools 8. Measurement in Healthcare 9. Performance Indicators 10. Statistical Process Control 11. Project Management 12. Change Management

Target Audience

50-60 Hospital Directors, Deputy Directors, Heads of Emergency Departments, Heads of Medical and Surgical Departments, Emergency Department Doctors and Nurses, Quality Doctors and Nurses, Medical and Surgical Doctors and Nurses