Break the chain of infection

Speciality Dentistry - General/other

Organizer Maha Mohammad Abd Alrasoul

CME/CPD Provider superintendent of quality and infection control in dental administration

Scheduled date(s):

From 16 December 2019 To 16 December 2019

From 11 November 2019 To 11 November 2019

From 14 October 2019 To 14 October 2019

From 15 April 2019 To 15 April 2019

From 11 March 2019 To 11 March 2019

Aims And Objectives

“At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to: 1.list all standard precautions of in infection control in the dental setting. 2.Identify different types of waste and the correct way of disposing infectious waste. 3.Relate to safety programs conducted by health centers. 4.identify hazards and practice safety measures in the dental setting

Content Outline

content: 1) Breaking the chain of infection in the dental setting: - what is chain of infection and how to break it. - what are standard precautions and their importance - hand hygiene - respiratory etiquette - vaccinations - personal protective wear - handling spillage - handling sharps - handling waste - dealing with infectious patients - handling contaminated instruments 2) Safety in the dental setting: - policies and guidelines - safety walk around - hazard maps - Dealing with medical emergencies - crisis and disaster plan

Target Audience

general practitioner dentists 20 per session