Speciality Public health - General/other

Organizer Marwa Samir Rushdy

CME/CPD Provider CEPD/016P

Scheduled date(s):

From 21 November 2020 To 21 November 2020

From 04 October 2020 To 04 October 2020

From 06 September 2020 To 06 September 2020

From 15 August 2020 To 15 August 2020

From 05 July 2020 To 05 July 2020

From 20 June 2020 To 20 June 2020

Aims And Objectives

The programme aims to teaches and practices the skills and knowledge needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and competently intervene to help create suicidesafety as a first aid approach

Content Outline

Teaching the theory and practice of suicide intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting, captured in a one-day event accredited by City and Guilds of London. We use only the most experienced suicide prevention trainers to deliver this unique learning experience: for anyone who seeks greater understanding and confidence to intervene with people at risk of suicide. The Suicide First Aid through Understanding Suicide Intervention (SFAUSI) course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

Target Audience

All health care providers especially family medicine, public health and primary health care workers