Advanced Trauma Life Support Program (ATLS) Provider Program

  • 22490959
  • Life Sciences Academy

Speciality Surgery - General/ Other

Organizer Marwa Samir Rushdy

CME/CPD Provider CEPD/016P

Scheduled date(s):

From 15 December 2020 To 17 December 2020

From 20 October 2020 To 22 October 2020

From 14 April 2020 To 16 April 2020

From 10 March 2020 To 12 March 2020

From 11 February 2020 To 13 February 2020

Aims And Objectives

The Advanced Trauma Life Support Provider Course is designed to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates for trauma patients. This course emphasizes on initial assessment and management life threatening injuries, starting at the time of injury and continuing through life saving interventions, reevaluation, and stabilization. The ATLS course presents a concise approach to assessing and managing multiple injured patients. This course equips doctors with knowledge and techniques that are comprehensive and early adopted needs, describes safe way to perform each technique,

Content Outline

ATLS course objectives: o Demonstrate concepts and principles of patient assessment o Estabilish management priorities in a trauma o Intimate primary and secondary management survey for life threatening emergencies. o Demonstrate the skills necessary in initial management of trauma victims.

Target Audience

surgeons, anesthesia and emergency medicine physicians