Interactive Course in Obstetrics Ultrasound

Speciality Emergency Medicine - Skills & training

Organizer Marwa Samir Rushdy

CME/CPD Provider CEPD/016P

Scheduled date(s):

From 17 December 2020 To 19 December 2020

From 29 October 2020 To 31 October 2020

Aims And Objectives

Obstetrics Ultrasound scan plays an important role in antenatal care. The increase rate of assisted reproduction, advance maternal age, consanguineous marriage and the presence of maternal co-morbidities make the screening for fetal anomalies is crucial. This course provides a comprehensive review in obstetrics ultrasound and more in depth coverage of fetal scanning including: screening for fetal anomalies, growth scan and umbilical artery Doppler.

Content Outline

After attending this course, the participant will be able to: Recognize the standard guidelines for 20 weeks anomaly scan. Assess fetal growth and well-being. Identify fetal abnormalities.

Target Audience

Obstetrics and Gynecology specialists and sonographers