management of non HDLcholesterolfocus on use of omega 3 ethyl ester
- 24816869
Speciality Cardiology - Medical
Organizer Mousa Akbar Jabr Akbar
CME/CPD Provider kuwait cardiac association
Scheduled date(s):
From 18 November 2020 To 18 November 2020
Aims And Objectives
1.medical introduction on Pathophsiology of Dyslipidemia on different types of patients' 2.Pharmacological & non-pharmacological management of dyslipidmia for high risk patients 3.introduction of Role of fibrates and omega 3 ethyl ester in management of non HDL cholesterol in ischemic heart disease patients. 4.discussion the latest updates of Guildlines in management of non HDL.
Content Outline
1.setting roles in management of non HDL cholesterol according to cardiovascular risk of patients. 2.importance of non pharmacological management & life style modification of Dyslipidemia . 3. guidelines recommendation for management of non HDL Choleterol 4.clinical discussions based on case studies & trials.
Target Audience
cardiologists, Nephrologists , endocrinologists & internal medicine