Multidisciplinary Collaboration with Orthodontics
- 24804519
Speciality Dentistry - Pedodontic
Organizer Dr Anfal Faridoun
CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Board in Paediatric Dentistry - KIMS
Scheduled date(s):
From 11 January 2021 To 22 March 2021
Aims And Objectives
Aims: The residents will be expected to gain thorough understanding of; • The presentation and features of malocclusion and abnormalities of tooth position and eruption • The use of appliances to correct minor tooth ectopia and crossbites in the primary and mixed dentitions • The application and design of space-maintainers in the primary and mixed dentitions • The presentation and features of abnormalities of tooth hypodontia • The presentation and features of abnormalities of habits and the use of habit breakers to correct them • The fundamental components of removable appliance for simple tooth movement. • The basic principles of the surgical, orthodontic and restorative management of children with CLP Intended Learning Outcomes: During the lecture-based sessions; • The management of developing dentition • The appropriate timing for orthodontic referral • The principles of space management • The diagnosis of malocclusion and abnormalities of tooth position and eruption • The basic principles of the surgical, orthodontic and restorative management of children with CLP During the cased-based discussions, residents will be expected to discuss and diagnose cases, and present them in a case-based discussion, while covering the literature related to the conditions, including; • Impacted teeth • Hypodontia • Open-bite, secondary to habits • Design removable appliances for simple tooth movements
Content Outline
This course is intended to provide the residents with fundamental knowledge of the presentation and features of malocclusion and abnormalities of tooth position and eruption. Residents should be able to demonstrate an understanding of when an orthodontic opinion should be sought, or appropriate referral be done, and the principles of space management. In addition, they should demonstrate an understanding of the Paediatric Dentist’s role in the management of the child with cleft lip and palate (CLP). The initial part of the course will be lecture-based, but then will later continue as weekly case-based discussions as the residents begin to manage cases in their clinics. During the case-based discussions, the residents will be expected to, through literature reviews, cover specific topics pertaining to common orthodontic conditions found in their clinics.
Target Audience
Staff and residents (6)