Endodontics in Paediatric Dentistry

Speciality Dentistry - Pedodontic

Organizer Dr Anfal Faridoun

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Board in Paediatric Dentistry - KIMS

Scheduled date(s):

From 11 April 2021 To 29 April 2021

Aims And Objectives

Aim: The goal of this course is to introduce the KBPD-R3 residents in training to the specialty practice of endodontics for children and adolescents and to develop a basic entry level technique. Intended Learning Outcomes: After completion of these lecture courses, the resident will be proficient in: • History taking, clinical examination, special tests, diagnosis and treatment planning with regards to endodontic procedures for children and adolescents • Providing endodontic emergency procedures to relieve pain and infection from endodontic origin for children and adolescents • Provide non-surgical endodontic treatment for permanent teeth for children and adolescents • Diagnosing the need and providing vital pulp therapy and root end closure procedure for children and adolescents • Intra-coronal bleaching procedures for children and adolescents • Evaluating endodontic treatment outcome and prognosis in paediatric patients

Content Outline

This course will provide the Paediatric Dentistry residents with a basic understanding of the format, content, protocols, and expectations of the advanced endodontic technique for children and adolescents. Following the didactic one-week course, the residents will spend two weeks under the supervision of

Target Audience

Residents and Staff (12)