Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS)

Speciality Emergency Medicine - Skills & training

Organizer Marwa Samir Rushdy

CME/CPD Provider CEPD/016P

Scheduled date(s):

From 23 June 2021 To 24 June 2021

From 21 March 2021 To 22 March 2021

From 10 February 2021 To 11 February 2021

From 22 January 2021 To 23 January 2021

Aims And Objectives

At the end of this course, participants should be able to: 1.        Describe the historical origins and role of triage. 2.        Review and enhance your patient assessment skills. 3.        Apply professional standards of emergency nursing practice to triage. 4.       Introduce and utilize the CEDIS Presenting Complaint List. 5.        Prioritize patient care based on the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) 6.       Demonstrate an understanding of patient flow, care processes and communication in the Emergency Department (ED)

Content Outline

Module 1: Fundamentals of Triage, Learning Objectives: Describe the historical basis of triage Define the purpose and value of triage Review the unique nature of emergency patients Describe the professional role and personal characteristics of the triage nurse Demonstrate an understanding of the nursing skills applied to triage including public relations, interviewing, documentation, critical thinking and communications. Describe the full triage process from patient arrival to transfer to a treatment area Care for patients in the waiting room Module 2: Applying CTAS to Adults, Learning Objectives: Define the meaning of the five CTAS levels Apply the CEDIS list of presenting complaints Understand 1st and 2nd order modifiers and their application to presenting complaints Review case scenarios and discuss CTAS decision making Describe appropriate reassessment times. Module 3: Applying  Pediatric CTAS, Learning Objectives: Understand the differences between pediatric and adult triage Apply the Critical  Look: Pediatric Assessment Triage Identify presenting complaint and utilize the CIAMPEDS Interpret vital signs in pediatric patients Apply pediatric modifiers Analyze case scenarios   Module 4: Applying CTAS Special Complaints and Second Order Modifiers, Learning Objectives: Define second order modifiers. Understand importance of second order modifiers and that most apply to both adults and pediatrics Apply modifiers to select complaints Recognize potential triage pitfalls Understand rural CTAS implementation differences and challenges Analyze case scenarios

Target Audience

Physicians and Nurses working in ER