Kuwait thrombosis & hemostasis webinar - series 2021: Approach, Challenges and Updates

Speciality Hematology - Oncology

Organizer Huda Taher Alsahhaf

CME/CPD Provider Mubarak Alkabeer Hospital

Scheduled date(s):

From 27 March 2021 To 28 March 2021

From 20 March 2021 To 21 March 2021

Aims And Objectives

At the Kuwait Thrombosis and Hemostasis webinar series leading experts in coagulation and thrombosis come together to discuss the most recent advances , clinical applications and guidelines through a line- up of educational sessions in both fields. It will provide health care workers involved with treatment of thrombotic or bleeding patients a clinical platform to answer most encountered clinical questions. Patient specific cases will be used to highlight the thought process and review how to construct a patient care plan in clinical situations like anticoagulants in the perioperative period, management of anticoagulation associated bleeding and much more through workshops and seminars on day one and three of the webinar. Upon completion of the webinar, participants should be able to: • Summarize clinical features and laboratory evaluation of some congenital and acquired bleeding disorders including hemophilia A and B, acquired platelet disorders, and coagulopathy associated with liver and renal disease. • Outline treatment of bleeding and thrombosis in special population of neonates, infants, pregnant women and post-partum bleeding . • Describe coagulation changes in COVID-19 and clinical manifestations of COVID-19 Coagulopathy including thromboprophylaxis strategies for patients with COVID-19. • Evaluate antibody-mediated prothrombotic disorders such as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, antiphospholipid syndrome and thrombotic microangiopathies highlighting most recent advances in treatment of each condition. • Explain key features of treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE) including options for therapy and care for specialized patient populations with VTE (i.e., cancer patients). • Discuss features of the direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) drugs including situations where use is appropriate versus not recommended, and options for DOAC reversal.

Content Outline

1. Venous Thromboembolism: detection and risk assessment A. How to approach a case of VTE? B. Clinical prediction guide for recurrent VTEs: How do we use them in everyday practice? 2. Treatment options for VTE A. DOACS: current indications and future prespectives B. Role of IVC filter and stent in management of thromboembolism C. ASH 2020 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism 3. Discuss clinical topics where evidence is lacking A. Thrombophilia testing B. Treatment of distal DVT and subsegmental PE C. Thrombolysis systemic and catheter directed thrombolysis: Risks and benefits 4. Post thrombotic complications A. Post- phlebitis syndrome: symptoms, treatment and pain management B. Management of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension 5. Satellite symposium 6. Secondary thrombosis in miscellanouse disease states: Prevention to treatment A. Thromboprophylaxis for medical and surgical patients B. Updated recommendations in the treatment of COVID-19 related thrombosis C. Management of APLS related thrombosis: choices and challenges D. Updates in the management of cancer associated thrombosis 7. Tackling thrombosis at different sites A. The dilemma of anticoagulation after recent strokes B. Best of evidence in the treatment of thrombosis at unusual sites C. Thrombocardiology: anticoagulation in cardiac patients D. Anticoagulation in chronic kidney disease: choices, doses, and monitoring From pregnancy to pediatrics 8. From pregnancy to pediatrics A. VTE and PE in pregnancy: approach to diagnosis and treatment B. Thrombosis in pediatrics and neonates: approach to diagnosis C. Anticoagulation in pediatrics and neonates 9. Thrombocytopenia in various disease states A. Heparin Induced thrombocytopenia: case approach and updates B. Updates in the management of acquired TTP C. ITP: challenges in treatment; what’s new? 10. Satellite symposuim 11. Satellite symposuim 12. Hereditary and acquired hemophilias A. New treatment options for hemophilia B. Dealing with acquired hemophilias diagnosis and treatment: case based presentation C. Gene therapy in hemophilia 13. Selective topics in consultative hemostasis problems A. Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia in chronic liver disease: what’s new? B. Anticoagulation in thrombocytopenic patients: evidence based recommendations C. Managing bleeding in abnormal platelet function disorders: clinical guidance D. The stumper riddle of COVID-19 bleeding: what we know? E. Clinical cases in coagulopathy related postpartum hemorrhage 14. Satellite symposium TBA 15. Meet the expert workshop: peri-operative management of anti-thrombotics 16. Management of anticoagulation associated bleeding 17. Laboratory monitoring of patients treated with DOACs: practical guide for clinicians 18. DIC: clinical approach and treatment guidelines 19. Anticoagulation in individuals with thrombocytopenia 20. Recurrent VTE on anticoagulation therapy: what’s next? 21. Which patient should receive long term anticoagulation? What dose? 22. DOACS and APLS: do they prevent thrombosis? 23. Management of venous thrombosis of rare localization 24. Anti-thrombotic therapy in elderly 25. Anti-thrombotic therapy in ICU 26. DOACs in acquired and hereditary thrombophilia 27. Approach to patients with suspected TTP, HUS or other thrombotic micro-angiopathies 28. Classical and new therapies in the management of acute versus relapsed/refractory TTP

Target Audience

General Internists, Adult and Pediatric Hematologist, Surgeons, Orthopedics, Obstetricians and Gynecologist, General Pediatricians, , Primary Care Practitioners, Residents, ,Nurse Practitioners and Laboratory Technologists involved in the care of patients with thromboembolic disease.

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