Direct Restorations & Dental Composites

Speciality Dentistry - General/other

Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Dental Association

Scheduled date(s):

From 24 March 2022 To 25 March 2022

Aims And Objectives

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: - Isolate dental field with rubber dam. - Perform adhesive procedures - Do a direct restoration in class I, II, III, IV, V - Obtain a reliable contact point in posteriors - Choose the correct shade - Finish and polish direct restoration - Make easily and quickly a direct veneer The Hands-on Workshop Learning Objectives: - Perform a class I and II on models - Perform a class IV and a direct veneer on models

Content Outline

Direct restorations are the most common procedures in dentistry. Meeting the patients' desires when constructing an Aesthetic treatment plan has always been a large issue to dentists. Sometimes the patients’ wishes are far from reality and are not applicable. In this course we will address the most common conflicts between the patient's aims and the dentist's plan and how to solve that dilemma taking into consideration the most conservative approaches available. A general overview of current aesthetic concepts, techniques and an update of recent Aesthetic alternatives will be provided. This 2-day course is specifically designed to address how the correct procedures can aid the restorative dentist to obtain a natural harmonious smile with a simplified approach. The course combines lectures, hands-on workshop, clinical videos and group discussions. Various types of restorative techniques will be covered including cosmetic, teeth whitening, composite modeling, layering, bonding and adhesion, indirect restorations. These treatment options will be discussed regarding their advantages, side effects, and success rates. The course concentrates in clinical approaches that can aid the clinicians in day-to-day practice. Case scenarios will be presented from a combined restorative / Aesthetic approach to improve the long-term aesthetic and functional outcomes. Finally, a problem-based approaches and failure management and treatment of complex cases will sum up all the information gathered during this program.

Target Audience

20-30 General Dentists & All Specialists

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