Orofacial pain course

Speciality Dentistry - Endodontic

Organizer Amer Zaal Alanezi

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization/ Kuwait Board Of Endodontics

Scheduled date(s):

From 12 January 2022 To 02 March 2022

Aims And Objectives

Aims and Objectives At the end of the course Kuwait Board of Endodontics residents are expected to be; 1. Professional excellence in the clinical practice and science of pain and its management 2. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge in neural elements and mechanisms of pain in pulp and dentin, neurovascular interactions in the dental pulp in health and inflammation, neurobiology of pain and be proficient in diagnosis and management of odontogenic pain and diagnosis of non-odontogenic pain 3. A sound basic knowledge and understanding of applied anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry sufficient to interpret the effects of common medical conditions on the systems of the body, especially, but not exclusively, in the head and neck. 4. A good understanding of cell biology and applied histology, which enables them to understand the normal and disordered function of dentally important tissues and organs. 5. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge in differential diagnosis of odontogenic and nonodontogenic peri-radicular lesions and be proficient in treatment of odontogenic peri-radicularlesions. 6. Demonstrate understanding of the basics of how to perform clinical examinations. 7. Demonstrate ability to perform or request special tests and know their limitations. 8. To review the various physiological methods of investigating non odontogenic pain. 9. Demonstrate skills in clinical problem solving and independent decision making based on using sound professional judgment and timely intervention. 10. Comprehensive working knowledge of the therapeutic actions and toxic effects of drugs commonly used, in particular, in the treatment of dental conditions. 11. Residents must understand and know how to manage MRONJ, Mayofacial pain, neuralgia, phantom pain, neuropathies, and psychological pains.

Content Outline

● Course will be done over 10 , 2hr sessions ● Teaching method lectures and discussion of literature ● Material will be given to residents ahead of each session to read from ● in the session discussion of the lit and basic sciences followed by quiz ● Attendance is mandatory

Target Audience

R5 residents at Kuwait board of Endodontics