R2 Academic course / January 2022
- 55499998
- Drtasneemalfarhan@Gmail.com
- Salmiya- The specialize dental center
Speciality Dentistry - General/other
Organizer Tasneem Saleh AlFarhan
CME/CPD Provider Faculties of KIMS
Scheduled date(s):
From 23 January 2022 To 25 January 2022
Aims And Objectives
By the end of the academic course the resident should : 1. know the advantages and disadvantages of dental materials, to be able to choose the most appropriate material for each clinical situation and Know the biological principles and stages of bonding and understand the limitations of adhesive dentistry. 2. Understand the concept of interceptive orthodontic, recognise the indicated cases and know proper timing. 3. Define the common developmental dental anomalies of primary dentition frequently encountered in the dental practice and understand the causes and management. 4. Appreciate the importance of early recognition and management of premature loss of primary teeth. 5. Understand what sedation means, Know the indication and types for sedation and when not to use it. 6. Know how to identify facial fracture clinically and radiographically, understand the principles of management of the different facial fracture and the technique used to fix facial fracture. 7. Understand that infections can spread through the lymphatics and the tissue spaces of the face and know how to manage such infection. 8.Know the features, investigations and management of salivary gland disorders, and understand the principles of surgery to remove salivary gland. 9. able to fabricate a complete denture prothesis
Content Outline
1st day: Esthetic composite Workshop 2nd day: Fixed dental prothesis , management of premature loss of primary teeth , dental anomaly lectures. 3rd day: Management of orthodontic deformities, Orofacial Fractures , head and neck infection and salivary gland lectures .
Target Audience
R2 residents and program Site coordinators and Tutors