Biosimilars, the new biologics summit

Speciality Internal medicine - Rheumatology

Organizer Mohammad Eisa Khudadah

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait medical association (KMA)

Scheduled date(s):

From 14 May 2022 To 14 May 2022

Aims And Objectives

1) Discuss current developments in regulatory and scientific issues and their impact on development, manufacturing, access, and uptake of biosimilars and interchangeable products 2) Discuss imperative and progress in streamlining biosimilar development 3) Examine current prescriber and patient confidence and patterns of biosimilar use, and education efforts that have been successful in increasing literacy on these products 4) Describe relevant international developments influencing patterns of biosimilar uptake globally 5) Discuss new product targets for biosimilar development

Content Outline

1) Streamlining Biosimilar Clinical Development 2) Biosimilars interchangeability: Challenges and Outstanding Unknowns 3) Growing Clinical Use and Experience: What Can be Learned from Key International Initiatives? 4) Biosimilars in rheumatology: what the clinician should know? 5) Biosimilar in dermatology: where we are? 6) Biosimilar in gastroenterology: what the clinician should know?

Target Audience

Rheumatologists, Gastroenterologists, Dermatologists