Social history impact on child's oral health care
- 25316837
Speciality Dentistry - General/other
Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti
CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Dental Association
Scheduled date(s):
From 11 February 2023 To 11 February 2023
Aims And Objectives
Comparing oral health care of children with to those without parents and the social history impact on them
Content Outline
To compare the oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) and caries between school children living with their parents and orphan children and to assess the factors that influence the oral health related quality of life. Children without parents presented poor scores of OHRQoL compared to those having parents.Oral health related quality of life along with its domains differed significantly between children with and without parents.
Target Audience
30-40 General Dentist & All Specialist