Implantation & Surgical Procedures

Speciality Dentistry - General/other

Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti

CME/CPD Provider kuwait Dental Association

Scheduled date(s):

From 16 December 2022 To 17 December 2022

Aims And Objectives

Focuses on presenting the relevant surgical procedure for the daily practice. Different procedures and the most significant implant systems will be illustrated to the participants in a comparative fashion. The main focus of this session is on the knowledge of the basics and prerequisites of surgical interventions in the daily practice. With regard to the technical procedure of implantation surgery, the incision procedure, full periosteal flap, implant positioning, generation of the implant bed, suturing techniques, and follow-up after surgery are illustrated in a systematic fashion. Maxillary sinus surgery; Augmentation of severely atrophied Maxilla & mandible.The documentation, which may include protocols, models, slides, video-documentation, and statistics, will be critically analyzed.

Content Outline

* How to integrate Implants in daily practice. * Immediate, delayed immediate and delayed implant placement. * Systematic implant placement procedure: step-by-step. * Implementation of the treatment plan. * Incision procedure. * Surgical applied Anatomy & Radiology. * Applied bone biology. * Full periosteal flap. * Principles of bone preparation and osteotomy. *Concept of osseointegration. * Exact implant insertion. * GBR and further measures (sinus elevation, distraction) – illustration. * Immediate loading. * Augmentation materials (bone replacement, membrane, PRP, BMP) – illustration. * Dissection techniques (hands-on). * Evaluation of bone quality and quantity. Implant positioning (distances interimplant / Teeth and contact point/bone profile). * Early phase complications. * Orthointegration. * Intraoral bone grafting. * Surgical complications. * Surgical management of posterior maxilla, sinus lift. * Surgical management of posterior maxilla, alternatives to sinus lift. * Ten Commandments in Implant dentistry * Documentation (entries, surgery reports, casts, X-rays, CT, photographs, slides).

Target Audience

22 ALL Specialist & General Dentists

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