TMJ & Occlusion Course - Splints & Botox Workshop

Speciality Dentistry - General/other

Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Dental Association

Scheduled date(s):

From 27 May 2023 To 27 May 2023

From 20 May 2023 To 20 May 2023

From 06 May 2023 To 06 May 2023

Aims And Objectives

1. Understand the anatomy and physiology of the temporomandibular joint and muscles of mastication. 2. Diagnose patients with specific TMD related conditions. 3. Recognize signs and symptoms of TMDs. 4. Identify the best management approach and treatment options for patients with TMDs.

Content Outline

Temporomandibular disorders & occlusion remain the most challenging aspects of Dentistry. This course is dedicated to both diagnosis & treatment of TMD-related conditions & malocclusions. Participants will gain confidence in understanding what splint to use & when with exposure to botox injections on TMJ demonstrators.

Target Audience

20 General Dentist & All Specialists

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