pharmacological management of osteoporosis

Speciality Primary health care - General/other

Organizer Mariam Farah Wais

CME/CPD Provider central department of primary health care

Scheduled date(s):

From 01 May 2023 To 01 May 2023

Aims And Objectives

1- Review osteoporosis disease. 2- Review how to FRAX osteoporosis patient. 3- Acknowledge the most common symptoms and signs of osteoporosis. 4- Management approach and guideline update.

Content Outline

Opening & introduction 8:00-8:30 PM Abdulrahman Al Dawwas Senior family medicine registrar- Member of the committee Osteoporosis: disease burden 8:30-8:40 PM Dr. Amna Al shaghouli Consultant endocrinologist Osteoporosis Diagnosis basics 8:40-9:00 PM Dr. Amna Shaghouli Consultant endocrinologist Update in management &guidlines 9:00-9:30 PM Dr. Amna Al shaghouli Consultant endocrinologist Questions & Answers 9:30-10:00 PM Audience and Dr Amna

Target Audience

50-60 gp and family physcains