Advanced course in Integrating Psychiatry inPrimary Care

Speciality Primary health care - Diagnostic & investigative

Organizer Aseel Omran Al Sabbrie

CME/CPD Provider Oarganized by Primary Mental Health Committee in Central Department of Primary Health Care,MOH

Scheduled date(s):

From 04 June 2023 To 08 June 2023

Aims And Objectives

Aim: • Mental health and wellbeing are everybody’s business. It affects every family in Kuwait and it can only be improved if co-ordinated action is taken across all levels of the government services. • Ensuring that every citizen and resident of the State of Kuwait has access to local mental health services by Integrated services to the highest standards. • Ensure a Model organization for integrating psychiatric clinics in the primary

Content Outline

Program schedule: Day 1 No Date Topic Time Lecturer Place 1 4/6/23 Primary Mental health strategic plane: 1.Aim & vision 2.Policy. 9:00-9:45 د.أسيل الصابري 2 Common pediatric& adolescent psychiatric disorders 10:00-10:45 د.بيبي العميري Coffee break 11:00-11:20 3 Common women psychiatric disorders Domestic violence Postpartum depression 11:25-12:30 د.أسيل الابراهيم. Prayer’s break Lunch break 12:30-2:00 4 Explaining the low of family care 2:00-2:230 الباحث القانوني عبدالله الراشد 5 Work shops 1) Psychological therapy : .Mindfulness.& . Positivity. 2).work shop of motivational interviews 2:35-4:45 د.عبدالله العزيزي د.يعقوب الشطي Day 2: No Date Topic Time Lecturer Place 1 5/6/23 Psychiatric emergency 9:00-9:45 د.نجاح العنزي 2 Addiction &drugs miss used in primary care 10:00-10:45 د.عادل الزايد Coffee break 11:00-11:20 3 Personality disorders 11:25-12:30 Prayer’s break Lunch break 12:30-2:00 4 Love & sexual psychiatric disorders In primary care 2:00-2:230 د.طارق شكري 5 Work shops 1)Suicide first aid 2) DPT 3) clinical skills 1skill 2:35-4:45 د.مريم القطان Day3: No Date Topic Time Lecturer Place 1 6/6/23 Anxiety disorders 9:00-9:45 د.سليمان الخضاري 2 Mood disorders 10:00-10:45 د.محمد السويدان Coffee break 11:00-11:20 3 Psychotic disorders 11:25-12:30 Prayer’s break Lunch break 12:30-2:00 4 Psychopharmacology in primary care1 2:00-2:230 د.أحمد الشافعي. 5 Work shops 1)CBT 2) IPT 3) clinical skills 2 2:35-4:45 د.بسام البطحي Day 4: No Date Topic Time Lecturer Place 1 7/6/23 Geriatric psychiatric disorders 9:00-9:45 د.أحمد الشافعي External 2 Dementia &neurocognitive disorders 10:00-10:45 Neurologist Coffee break 11:00-11:20 3 Ethical dilemmas in primary mental health clinic &Forensic psychiatric 11:25-12:30 د.حمود عبدالمحسن Prayer’s break Lunch break 12:30-2:00 4 Mental health low 2:00-2:230 المجلس الأعلى لشـؤون الأسرة 5 Work shops 1)CBT part 2 2) Psychotherapy in primary care 2:35-3;35 4;00-5;00 pm د.بسام البطحي المعالج النفسي علي فاضل Day 5: No Date Topic Time Lecturer Place 1 8/6/23 Sleep disorders 9:00-9:45 د.طارق شكري 2 Bipolar disorders Maintenance &relapse management 10:00-10:45 د.محمد السويدان Coffee break 11:00-11:20 Prayer’s break Lunch break 12:30-2:00 4 Love & sexual psychiatric disorders 2:00-2:230 د. طارق شكري. 5 Post course exam Certificate distribution 2:35-4:45 مدير الإدارة المركزية

Target Audience

50. Family physicians interested in workings in primary mental health clinic.