Farwaniya Hospital Poster Day 2023
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- Dr_ghaydaa@yahoo.com
- Farwaniya Hospital
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Speciality Internal medicine - Rheumatology
CME/CPD Provider Farwaniya Hospital
Scheduled date(s):
From 12 October 2023 To 12 October 2023
Aims And Objectives
- Generate more interest in the field of research. - Improve the standards of the provided medical service among health care workers/providers.
Content Outline
9:00-9:10 am Opening Ceremony 9:10- 9:20 am Oral abstract presentation (1) 9:20-9:30 am Oral abstract presentation (2) 9:30-9:40 am Oral abstract presentation (3) 9:40- 9:50 am Oral abstract presentation (4) 9:50- 10:00 am Oral abstract presentation (4) 10:00- 11:00 am Posters Evaluation Tour 11:00- 11:45 am Coffee break 11:45- 12:00 pm Awards for oral abstracts and posters 12:00- 12:10 pm Closing remarks 12:10- 2:00 pm Prayer time and lunch
Target Audience
- Health care providers (Government and private sector). · KIMS residents, KIMS fellows. · Kuwait University medical students