Hands-On Oral Medicine Workshop & Revision Course

Speciality Dentistry - General/other

Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Dental Association

Scheduled date(s):

From 29 July 2023 To 29 July 2023

Aims And Objectives

1. To recognise and formulate differential diagnoses for red and white lesions presenting in the oral cavity. 2. To gain insight on the many differential diagnoses for oral ulcerations. 3. To be able to competently examine the oral mucosa and safely assess oral lesions with adjunctive tools. 4. To practically perform real-time excisional biopsies with emphasis on biopsy tehcniques, anatomical considerations and specimen handling.

Content Outline

This course will allow participants the opportunity to perform various intraoral procedures including surgical biopsies, suturing, and local anaesthesia techqniues. The legal and complete process of submitting specimens to oral pathology services in Kuwait will be demonstrated. The course consists of comprehensive lectures illustrating red and white lesions presenting in the oral cavity, differential diagnoses for oral ulcerations, as well as a review of paediatric Oral Medicine conditions.

Target Audience

35-40 General Dental and all Specialists.

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