Multi-Disciplinary Multiple Sclerosis Course

Speciality Neurology - Skills & training

Organizer Raed A Alroughani

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Neurological Society

Scheduled date(s):

From 15 July 2023 To 15 July 2023

Aims And Objectives

- Discuss the role of multi-disciplinary MS clinic - Review the role of MS nurse - Discuss the importance of physical therapy and rehabilitation in MS patients - Review the psychological impact of MS and its management - Discuss the pathophysiology and management of Neurogenic bladder

Content Outline

- The importance of Multi-disciplinary MS clinic - Role of MS nurse - Rehabilitation in MS - Psychology of MS patients - Management of neurogenic bladder - Clinical case scenarios

Target Audience

• Number: 100 attendees • Background: General Neurologists, Neurology residents, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers