Cued based feeding

Speciality Other Health Professionals - Nursing

Organizer Anna Bindu John


Scheduled date(s):

From 26 March 2024 To 26 March 2024

From 19 March 2024 To 19 March 2024

From 12 March 2024 To 12 March 2024

From 05 March 2024 To 05 March 2024

From 27 February 2024 To 27 February 2024

From 20 February 2024 To 20 February 2024

From 13 February 2024 To 13 February 2024

From 06 February 2024 To 06 February 2024

Aims And Objectives

The objectives of the workshop are to: - Identifying oral feeding readiness and stress cues. - Understanding the rationale of positive feeding experiences for infants. - Knowing when to refer an infant for feeding and swallowing evaluation. - Understanding the rational of recommended interventions by the Speech and Language Therapists. - Understanding importance of consistency in oral feeding of infants and adherence to recommended intervention by the Speech and Language Therapists. - Improving service quality, as well as timely and appropriate referrals.

Content Outline

The workshop will cover the following topics: • Who is an SLP and what is our role • Embryonic development • High risk infants: what cases are at risk of having oral feeding difficulties. • Assessment: what assessment tools Speech and Language Therapists use. • Intervention: What treatment approaches would Speech and Language Therapists recommend. • Considerations: outcomes of using orotracheal, nasogastric and orogastric tubes, sensory integration issues, as well as impact of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions on infants. • Discharge: outpatient follow ups and potential consequences on an infant's development due to negative experiences in the intensive and/or special care units. • Case examples: five videos of oral feeding will be shown and evaluated using the oral readiness scale and stress cues checklist. • Practical: two bedside assessments of infants' oral readiness and stress cues.

Target Audience

Nurses working in the neonatal intensive and special care units from wards 6 and 8 in Adan Hospital.