Orthognathic Surgery for Class III cases- Clinical Review
- 25316837
- kda.org.kw@gmail.com
Speciality Dentistry - General/other
Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti
CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Dental Association
Scheduled date(s):
From 18 March 2024 To 18 March 2024
Aims And Objectives
Orthognathic surgery (originates from the Greek words “Orthos”, meaning straight, and "Gnathos”, meaning jaw) is a procedure by which dento-facial deformities and malocclusions are corrected with orthodontics combined with the surgical modification of the facial morphology and various soft tissue structures. As orthognathic surgery has become more refined & less traumatic procedure, it became a reasonable treatment option for orthodontists to incorporate into differential diagnosis and treatment plan strategies of skeletal discrepancy malocclusion cases. Class III skeletal malocclusion may result from mandibular prognathism, maxillary retrusion or a combination of both. When the skeletal problem compromises the facial esthetics and functional efficiency, the surgical-orthodontic treatment is the most indicated for patients who do not present facial growth potential. The main goals of the orthodontic-surgical treatment of class III skeletal malocclusion cases were to promote maxillary advancement and mandibular retrusion for correction of the dental relationship and class III skeletal malocclusion. A correct diagnosis and planning as well as an appropriate execution of the treatment plan are determinant factors for having success and long-term stability.
Content Outline
Three cases of Class III skeletal mal-occlusion treated with combined orthodontic- orthoghnathic surgery modality, with full clinical records, are discussed in this presentation. Two severe skeletal discrepancy cases were treated with bimaxillary surgery. Last case of maxillary deficiency with missing upper incisors were treated with maxillary advancement and bone augmentation at maxillary anterior area.
Target Audience
25-30 General Dentists & All Specialists