All About Oral Lesions, TMDs & Orofacial Pain

Speciality Dentistry - General/other

Organizer Mohammad Abdulreda Dashti

CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Dental Association

Scheduled date(s):

From 26 July 2024 To 27 July 2024

Aims And Objectives

Day one aims to foster a deep understanding of TMD, equippng clinicians to approach TMD diagnosis and management with confidence and expertise. Participants will explore the anatomical and physiological aspects of the tempromandibular joint, delve into the diverse aetiological factors contributing to TMD, and master the art of clinical assessment and classification of TMD subtypes. A hands-on session will demonstrate techniques of injecting botox on TMJ demonstrators, and understand the types of splints and when to use them. Day two consists of comprehensive lectures illustrating oral cancer and its risk factors, differential diagnoses for oral ulcerations, as well as a review of paediatric Oral Medicine conditions. A hands-on session will involve real-time surgical and punch biopsies as well as suturing techniques. The legal and complete process of submitting specimens to oral pathology services will be demonstrated.

Content Outline

1. To recognise and formulate differential diagnoses for oral ulcerations presenting in the oral cavity. 2. To recognise oral cancer and precancerous lesions presenting in the oral cavity. 3. Understand the anatomy and physiology of the temporomandibular jount and muscles of mastication. 4. To practically perform real-time excisional biopsies with emphasis on biopsy tehcniques, anatomical considerations and specimen handling. 5. Identify the best management approach an treatment options for patients with temporomandibular disorders.

Target Audience

35-40 General Dentists and all Specialists