Neuro-Imaging Summit Neuro-Imaging Summit
- 22450971
Speciality Neurology - Therapeutics
Organizer Raed A Alroughani
CME/CPD Provider Kuwait Neurological Society
Scheduled date(s):
From 13 October 2024 To 13 October 2024
Aims And Objectives
- To review the current imaging modalities, analyzing techniques in MRI brain - To discuss the MRI criteria for Multiple Sclerosis - To discuss the new imaging techniques in Epilepsy - To review the Epilepsy imaging protocols - To review the novel techniques in MRI with Gadolinium - To presrent clinical scenarios
Content Outline
- MS MR imaging - Gd-Imaging technology. - MRI in epilepsy - MRI in Migraine - Neuro and stroke imaging - Clinical Cases in imaging techniques
Target Audience
• Number: 60 attendees • Background: General Neurologists, Neurology residents, Radiologist, Internal Medicine